Category: Uncategorized

How far will we go to succeed?

From a very young age, we tell our kids that they should chase the top positions: in studies, tennis, piano. Almost everything that a child does, he or she must excel in it. The fun to do any activity takes backstage. Why ? Parents argue that they are preparing...

A Big Fat Indian Wedding: Smile (just) For The Pictures!

Indian marriages are the business deals of the year. Each year thousands of Indians partake in some of the biggest business deals yet; their big fat Indian weddings. When we hear of Indian weddings, we think of lots of food, dancing and free alcohol along with people dressed up...

From Midnight to Millennium and Beyond?

I recently read a brilliant book by Mr Shashi Tharoor. Apart from the fact that the book has been written with the characteristic flair for the language by Mr Tharoor, I was very to relate the theme of the book with some of the principles of Sociology. In the...

Do we Need Smart or Wise Cities?

The real test for Smart City ventures will be the supply of fundamental assets such as clean water, adequate vitality, and general monetary, natural and social maintainability, says Isha Bhatnagar. The concept of Smart Cities has been rapidly rising, mainly due to the Internet, in the last two decades. Information and...

Do Free markets also offer a fair society?

One of the new subjects for me in the last two years of High School is Economics. Whilst, the first year has started with fundamental theories and concepts, I have enrolled myself in an online course from an overseas university. the online course is allowing me get into several...

Refugees: Is this a humanitarian issue or a socio-economic one?

Regugee migration has been at the centre of discussion on many global forums in the last 2 years. The large scale migration that has happened through the porous borders at the Mediterranean coastline into mainland Europe and fleeing families from the war torn Syria to Germany has created dissatisfaction...

Impact of social media on teenagers?

Please remember that all of you have freedom in your hands through social media platforms. With Freedom comes immense responsibility. You must use it as a tool that powers the next generation to achieve greater unity and equality. It is all in your hands and your hand -held devices....

Loss of privacy in a digital world; Digital Intrusion

Loss of privacy in a digital world has now became a common phenomena. courtesy, well we don’t even have to go any far, just take the example of recent debacle caused by Facebook which shook the entire digital world and also compelled us to think, “Is this how privacy of...

Right to Privacy in a digital age?

Around six weeks ago, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the Right to Privacy is a Fundamental Right under the Constitution. While hearing the case, the Court had expressed its concerns on personal data collected from citizens to private players. By declaring that privacy is protected under the...

Financial crimes in a cashless economy; Financial crisis

While our economy, technology and society continually evolve, we must remember that so do crimes. Today, the question is no longer whether we should be moving towards a cashless society or not, for this advancement is inevitable and underway, the question committee must come together to answer is what ...